Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jeepers Beepers Where Did You Get That Hat?

15 weeks old
Hat: Aunt Alli
Jumper: Cherokee
Pants: miniwear
Hoodie: Rabbit moon
Accessory: mooing cow bracelet
Great Events This Week: Hanging at hardware stores & trying on tool belts
Asperations: Rolling to the Left (Zoolander moment)
Hopes and Dreams: Never wearing this hat again (at least not in public)


hpipes said...

I love the hat! It's awesome!!!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

She is beautiful and that hat is too cute

allimarshall said...

You know, there are children in China who don't have scary tall brightly colored knit hippy-hats. How do you think *they* feel?